Social Spaces, Aston University


11 weeks







Interclass were appointed by Aston University to undertake the refurbishment of the old executive office into social spaces for use by students and staff on the campus.

The project included the demolition of internal walls of the former offices, in order to create an open plan area as well as the provision of new toilets and new mechanical and electrical services installations.

All works at the University were carried out sensitively with careful sequencing to ensure the safety and well-being of the staff and students who have remained at working and attending the University for the duration of the project.

Careful coordination was required to manage the programming and logistics with students and staff working in adjacent classrooms, lecture rooms and corridors which remained live throughout. Access was also limited to a shared corridor, necessitating out of hours working for deliveries and waste removal.

The existing services at the University required temporary alteration/extension to facilitate the new work social areas but to keep these operational we carried out these connection works out of hours.


"We are delighted to be working once again with Aston University to further enhance the student experience by creating these fantastic learning spaces. We have overcome challenges through close collaboration with the University stakeholders to develop solutions to ensure a smooth delivery, whilst also meeting the expenditure and time constraints."
Jamie Travis
Contracts Manager, Interclass