Pupils create time capsule to be displayed in West Smethwick Park

Pupils from George Betts Primary Academy have preserved their memories of the school and West Smethwick Park in a time capsule for the park’s new pavilion.

Councillor Danny Millard, Sandwell Council cabinet member for culture and tourism, said: “West Smethwick Park Pavilion will be an all-the-more welcoming place because of the very personal memories provided by the pupils of George Betts Primary Academy. The time capsule will make the new building a very real part of the local community, and I want to thank the pupils for playing their part in making a better Sandwell for the future.”

Pupils at the Smethwick school have placed signed drawings and stories about their school and their memories of the park inside the capsule.

While time capsules are usually buried in the ground, this one will be suspended in the ceiling panelling of the lower ground floor of the new pavilion building, so that passers-by can view it.

Pupils Ayaan and Freddie both enjoy going to the park as they get to play football there.

Hasifah said: “I am looking forward to showing my mum and dad the capsule.”

Meanwhile both Taylor and Yasmin said they enjoy spending time with their families at the park.

Construction company Interclass has carried out work on the pavilion as part of a £5.1 million restoration project.

Sara Barnes, social value lead for Interclass, said: “The time capsule will be a real feature in the new pavilion and it was fantastic to see the children so excited to be involved in this.

“The park already holds many memories for these children and it’s been a real pleasure to help facilitate them leaving their own legacy and history in the same place they have enjoyed growing up themselves.”

The restoration project is being funded through the National Lottery Heritage Fund, with support from Sandwell Council.

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