Interclass wears green for Mental Health Awareness Week

Last month to mark Mental Health Awareness Week Interclass took part in ‘Wear it Green’ day to signal our openness to conversations about mental health.

The green ribbon is the international symbol of mental health awareness, so by going green for the day, we opened up the conversation about mental health.

As this year’s theme focuses on ‘Movement: Moving more for our mental health’, it was fitting that our team also headed out to the beautiful Wyre Forest at the weekend for another Interclass walk, one of many social events we have organised this year to promote physical activity, improve mental health and team bonding.

Why is increasing movement important?

Recent evidence is showing that even if you exercise regularly, sitting down for long periods of time has a separate set of poor health effects. This sedentary behaviour is increasingly common with many of us sitting at desks for extended periods of time. In the UK, 36% of adults (aged 18+) do not meet the physical activity recommendations set out by the World Health Organisation and UK working age adults spend 9.5hrs a day sedentary.

Sedentary behaviour includes activities like computer use, reading and driving because you are sitting, reclining or lying with minimum energy expenditure.

Movement is also good for your mind!

There is lots of evidence to suggest that physical activity may improve our mental health:

In the Burnout Report, 56% of adults said that regular exercise helped them to manage stress!

Physical activity also releases endorphins, which helps to improve our mood and also improves our sleep, making us more productive throughout the daytime.

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