Interclass has showcased its commitment to developing its people by joining The 5% Club, an industry led initiative focussed on driving momentum into the recruitment of apprentices, graduates and sponsored students.
The 5% Club, initiated by Leo Quinn Group Group CEO of Balfour Beatty in 2013, is a movement of more than 500 employers providing ‘earn and learn’ opportunities to develop the skills and talents people need to become more employable and create meaningful careers. Companies joining The 5% Club commit to raising the number of apprentices, sponsored students and graduates on formal programmes to 5% of their total workforce within five years. Members are also asked to publicly report their progress in their Annual Report. Existing members range from SMEs to FTSEs and cover a number of diverse industries, from engineering through to the legal sector.
Interclass have a long history of providing training opportunities with a number of its senior management team starting their career at the company. The company now employs eight apprentices and is exceeding the 5% target.
Des O’Neill, managing director of Interclass, said: “We have long been committed to helping young people develop long and rewarding careers within our industry, and are proud to say that over 5% of our current workforce is made up of apprentices, trainees and sponsored students. Joining The 5% Club is a way of formalising our commitment for years to come, and we look forward to continuing to develop innovative training, skills and employment opportunities that will support the next generation of talent and encourage more people to join and stay in the industry.”
Gill Cronin, Director of Operations of The 5% Club said, “We’re delighted to welcome Interclass into membership. The 5% Club provides a fantastic network of HR professionals, sharing and learning from each other. All our members share an ethos of creating a skilled workforce through ‘earn and learn’ development programmes, helping people develop meaningful career paths.”
For more information about The 5% Club visit